Friday, February 03, 2006

Someday.....I learn to fly my own

Man, i've always wanted to colour my hair and pierce some earrings. But, i'm always stuck with my over-protective parents who think thats some kind of evil influence. My god!!!! I've always wanted to do that and look like some cool dude who poses like some rock star. The frank truth is that i love vintage rock.....But again, sacrifice is the name of the game.

I've never been a good son. In fact i'm the biggest idiot(smilling with a sinister impression :-} ) in my family. Lol,now this might be rather peculiar for me to say,but, many don't know that i sleep like a cow in my ever-untidy room. I eat like a Jumbo but never ever gets satisfied with mum's cooking. Life goes on for me, a self proclaimed loner who never fails to condemn every single thing my sisters does.

well,thats just me..........Perhaps some day i'll learn to fly by my own. Besides thats the true meaning of the eternal parents love. They never fail to correct you but most might feel that their privacy is being threathen. Let's look into the wider scope of the world. To quote for one of my dad's saying, for every 1 good man,there's 9 bad man surrounding him.

That's the reality


At 12:25 am, Blogger !jenna! said...

Lol. Idiot smiling with a sinister expression. Thats true, the expression part. Dude, I was just looking at the pics we took on the last day of college. HAVOC man, you! The macho pose all.. with the "dont u dare **** with me" look on ur face.



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