Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Liverpool.....You'll never walk alone

That's the biggest humiliation for Liverpool ( sigh,sigh) suffered in the recent times. Man, 2-0 lost to the lamest club in English Football history,Chelsea. Now, i've to agree that money CAN do anything OK,Roman,you win!!!.But wait,if we could muster the strength together and pray...Some miracle would happen. Utterly disappointed i am, the only ray of hope for Liverpudlians is the Champions' league( which i think is the only SAVIOUR) for our left-over pride.

They deserve better don't they ?

At least for this man who made the difference to the team i would love for the rest of my life.


At 12:08 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well they lost to charlton,man,for god forsaken,CHARLTON!!!


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