PSD scholarship-Part 1
Everyone wants a scholarship nowadays. It's a great achievement i must admit. People are beginning the realise what education could really offer. I've personally spoke to the current group of senior citizens the purpose of education. Here's the reply i obtained." Education is a nothing, but it is for the sake of pride. I could afford to feed 7 kids of mine without much education. After all, what is education if it doesn't feed you?
Very true,but i would say it was the situation that acted out as the deterrent factor. Many didn't see that shimmer of hope by educating their offspring. The life then was different.A typical example could taken from an Indian family in 1920s living in a rubber estate in Malaysia. The most unfortunate thing would be to be born as a female. This would sure mean "Cursed"one. She would be given the least focus, what more education?Thank god, some managed to squeeze this from this discrimination by sheering relentless effort. However, the faith of others is a mystery that remains buried under the dust. Some men who graduated were absorbed into local administrative office. Some whereas were given "Living" knowledge. (For example, The British Policy was to create a better farmer then present generation heralded by the father).
Things have seen various improvement ever since. The progress and the realisation of students on education has eventually led to the current scholarship madness.Every capable student is vying for the prestigious Public Service Deparment Scholarship. I have absolutely no intentions to mock these students. However please note the following points carefully.
1) Oppression
The current PSD system does not give much emphasise on the family background. If so, a very small fraction of the calculation is allocated for this. Just like a famous Marxism quote-The rich gets richer, the poor get poorer, i've seen many students who could afford education given this scholarship. Heck, what would be the point then? If you could afford education, why bother applying in the first place? Aren't you oppressing the rights of the under-privileged ones? Many students who could afford education obtain extra coaching from various tuition teachers ,alas, achieve those As. On contarary, the unfortunate ones toil every day to achieve the target.Does that make you better? Take a moment and ponder.
2) Betrayal
There was a case reported by The Malaysian media about some 44 medical students in Ireland under the PSD sponsorship who breached the contract. My heart sank upon hearing such. How could this supposedly top students who were given about RM 1 million worth of scholarship break the bond?Do we see patriotism in these traitors? They are drawn into this psychic force called luxury which eventually made them to place the country that spend on them,second.I could definately place my bet that these group are the ones who could actually afford education. However,it is safe for me to say that this wouldn't happen if it was given to a student who knows what hardship is all about. The thing is many students like the latter realise the importance of serving the nation. Others just tend to take things lightly.
So, you have to make a just decision.If a scholarship is want you are looking for, please come back and serve the nation.Do not place your seek for hedonistic pursuit of material take away your urge to serve your nation. It is by far, a temporary impetus. Sooner or later, you are bound to regret.
hey nav...finally updated!haha anyways nice the "oppression" get richer, poor get poorer! so true...
anyways nav i heard from my mum that hospitals are complaining(especially sarawak) bout not having enough doctors n that doctors these days need to work 24 hrs straight (dunno 100% true or not..u know chinese newspapers lah~)well if this is true i guess theres job for us next time!haha~
anyways take care navvv!
flo if you graduate......
they ll never send you to Kuching because you ll from there.....
Penang, Kl and Johor are getting crowded by doctors
The current PSD system does not give much emphasise on the family background
Why not? I mean, isn't that what a scholarship is meant for? To support economically backward but otherwise bright students? .
And what's PSD by the way?
well-written article depicting the other nature of s/hip.
waiting for the second part :)
The admin.
**Do not place your seek for hedonistic pursuit of material take away your urge to serve your nation.
how can we judge what each and everyone seeks for? How can we tell someone else wut they should be doing with their talents? Whetehr its ur nation or not, if soem human being is being served by ur education, isnt that good enough? Just my thoughts...
Hello Keshi
i m sorry i haven t been visiting your blog recently because i m very pre-occupied with my uni application.Sorry please!!!! Will be back there with a bang hehehe
ok, well, if you look into the matter deeply- As far as my memory could remember, those Malaysians who work in countries like UK and Canada leave because they do no obtain enough recognition for the effort. However, on contary, the same situation SHOULD NOT happen among these goverment sponsored students.
I mean, theY (the goverment) is spending about RM 1 million ( around AUD 450 000) per student. And how could they break the bond by NOT serving the country? an act of ruthless traitor who place their needs above the country that gave the opportunity
Hi man. Good article. Well said on many areas.
But isn't it surprising that there is no feedback from the opposite side? (the labelled traitors)
Some hidden truth is placed away from the angle we are looking from.
if it's breaching of a govt-sponsored contract, then it's wrong...ur right there :)
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