Nav and His Life
I've quite often asked this very question to me, sitting all alone in front of the mirror- What's the ultimate reason i'm brought into this world. I know,folks, it sounds rather philosophical, but ask your psyche-Did you ever asked that very same question to yourself? Life is never been a smooth sailing cruise. Everyone of us have been cheated by someone even if your very self have been potrayed as a saint by the beholders.
As for me, I hate seeing injustice around me. Being the only son, the situation is even worse for me. Parents frequently bug me of not being a good example for my sisters. Say when I listen to vintage rock music- My parents believe than it's sort of a evil influence to my sisters. Being the greatest dissident in my family, i often justify my stand by saying that children will get spoil no matter how good you treat them. Perhaps the best why to describe the whole aura is a term called generation gap.
Talking about generation gap is often very ambigious. People often mistook my opinion on this pertaining matter by claiming that our parents are just being over-proctective. Now, it is normal, but how about parents who over pressure their kid to perform well in studies? I know a lady in staying nearby my residence who sends her 7-year-old to 7 different tuition classes. For some of you folks, you may think that the whole situation so bloody utterly normal, but did you ever talked this kinda kids before? Did you ever felt the pressure the poor boy have to withstand at such tender age! Sometimes parents have to really realize that success in education is an in-born element.At the same time , you would definately have to strive hard to achieve that very desired status.
Now, back to the withstanding issue on the reason why we are made to be born here. What's the reason? To achieve success? To strive towards global understanding? Or to murder someone who have stole your girlfriend or boyfriend?. From my point of view, there's definately a purpose. If there's ain't any purpose we would never die and remain immortal. Everyone leaves the world once the query is answered. However i would suggest on some things that we should really do before we die.
1) Educate your children about the importance of culture. Now why am i saying this? Lets take our Indian girls for example. How many of you still wear the thing called "pottu" on your forehead? Do you speak Tamil or other languages among your family members or friends?Do you serioulsly think that it's gonna tarnish your image or are you ashamed of being an Indian in the first place? No, please don t treat me of being rude, but it really saddens me. Has modernisation reached a plateau until we forget our roots? Culture is very crucial as a part of development- You might the greatest hero but whats the point if dont have the slighest glint of idea on culture?
2) Donate your organ and blood to the needy-We thank god when He answers our prayers, but are we repaying His kindness? There so many others who deserves to lead a healty lifestyle, why not you be a part of it?
3) Respect everyone- What's all that racism about? Strive for one world,one mission and of course one entity that bridges all norms of people
4) Contribute to the society- A self centered man will remain as a self isolated person.
5) Be happy with what you have
Thank you. Life never ends the way you aspect it to be, lead life not let life lead you!
Now this, THIS is what real blogging should be about. Real issues. Your type of blogging is the issue-based type.. I like. Navin, good work. I know work is hectic and all, and for you to find time to come up which such substance.. Wow. Haha.
Better than a slew of emo drivel, na?
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