An Analysis
To be at the utmost situation, i was extremely pleased with Ninth Malaysian Plan. There are several reasons to support this very pertaining statement. But, most important of all was due to honest speech by our Prime Minister to increase the current 1.5 % equality held by Indians to 3 % by 2010. Anyone who watched the telecast would realize that he actually said 30 %. For a moment, i was flabbergasted because thats huge! Eventually he realized his fault as those backbenchers gave him a very loud symbol of distress.The Ninth Malaysian Plan will reemphasise efforts to adress socioeconomic disparities (which i personally believe is a good way to promote racial integration-as far as effort in this scope is taken). I would like to share some statistics about current position of doctors in Malaysia.
Registered Professionals by Ethnic Group 2000& 2005
( Source : The Star,1 April 2005, pg 4)
Registered Doctors (Year 2000)
Bumiputera - 4570
Chinese- 3855
Indians - 3697
Others- 306
Grand Total-12 428
Registered Doctors(Year 2005)
Others- 1055
Grand Total- 15 574
I do really hope that this is a positive sign though as i've seen numerous parties trying very hard to exploit this very current situation with the introduction of unrecognized universities,heading the preference list. I sincerelly hope that by the time i graduate as a dcotor i would have a job.
Plus, budding doctors would also have to note one point here. By 2015, our biggest rival would be pharmacist, as the Malaysian pharmaceutical market is worth RM 900 million and it is seeing a growth at 10 % annually (HT Ong,2005). And so,this does not only challenge the intellect of the doctor,but also the moral and integrity.
Yours truly,
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