Pornographic Punishment?
MUAR: Newspaper reports that a teacher had ordered 10 Form One students to watch a pornographic movie for failing to do their homework has the Education Minister peeved.Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein ordered an investigation into complaints by several parents here that their children were forced to watch a pornographic video film on Friday at 4pm in the audio-visual room of Sekolah Menengah Jalan Junid. A Chinese daily had reported that the teacher ordered the students of both sexes into the room, closed the curtains and told them to watch the movie, saying it was their punishment for not doing their homework. Hishammuddin said he would not condone such conduct by teachers. "I will order the Johor Education director to investigate it. We will take stern action if the complaint is true," he told reporters after opening the Maulidur Rasul celebrations organised by the Johor Umno Youth at the Tanjung Emas Square here todayAdapted from The News Straits Times dated 22 April by Chong Chee SeongYet another testamony to show the lack of morality in the Malaysian Education System.A local Chinese newspaper recently reported that a teacher gave his student "punishment" for not completing their respective homework.
My personal opinion would be-Well, there exist two possiblities here :
The guy must be sex-starved2)
He realized the importance of sex educationGoodness, only God could save us from the malady that is taking place
Am i a "LOVER" material?
Please follow this
link cafefully. I almost laughed into tears when i've completely done with it.
Sounds pretty nice and
convincingAnd shoot your comments, all the ladies out there!!!!!
Wawasan 2020
In the recent study conducted by Mercer Human Resource Consulting to study the world's cities, it ranked Zurich,Switzerland to be the world's most livable city. This is closely followed by Vancouver, Canada and Vienna,Austria. The study uses several indication such as public safety, economics, cultural inclination, freedom ,educational edge, transit and other public services.
For more information pertaining this article,please click this
link to find out yourself.
From my keen observation, only two Malaysian cities made it into the list-which is- Kuala
Lumpur and
Johor Baharu, ranked 73 and 93 respectively. I find it to be soundly disturbing as Wawasan 2020 or the Malaysian dream to reach a fully developed status now remains an unanswered query. Yes, The Ninth Malaysian Plan looks extremely temptalicios on the paper, but that too requires a certain frame of period. Australia with mere population of 20,406,800 (, 2005) has 3 cities making into the top 20. Singapore, our friendly neighbour was ranked 36-pretty good ranking though
It makes me think
-Is Wawasan 2020 a mere brainwave? From my honest point of view, it requires much more then the skyrocketing development of materials (or
materialistic pursuit). It requires
mental development as well,in which Malaysians(generally), sorely lack. We refuse to stop when people are wanting to cross the roads, and we enjoy the so-called "Mamak" culture, gasping for the already polluted air forcing the owner of the restaurants laying the tables and chairs on places where it should have been car parks. Yet, we call it trully Malaysian culture. What sort of junkie attitude is this?
Wake up,folks
Great Minds discuss Ideas, Average minds Discuss Events, Poor Minds discuss People
bother about people when you have the whole world with You?
Why care about people who talk
behind your back when you have a good friend who will listen?
Men who cry doesn't imply that he's being a
cowardish one but it shows he can emote his feelings well
Yours trully
Funny part of Love
Tell her what???
HAHAHAHA....people say you get
bloody creative when you're in love....
I found this astoundingly tantalizing and cool~
Ps- i m not in love,ok...i ll never be loved by a woman (in particular)because people say i am a 12 year old mind with a 25 year old body....Duh!
We are exceedingly prideful with our eastern cultural linkage and heritage. We keep sayin' it aloud to our Western counterparts that we are culturally developed eventhough we are not on par when it comes technological advancements.But looking into reality, yes i do,seriously mean the
intricate truth, are we what we preach?
We never talk to our kids about puberty,we never talk to them about pre-marital sex,we don t talk to them about relationships with the opposite sex and we get our anger venting at us with a smirkwhen we see some pornographic materials in our kids room. But gushing back into the truth,yet again, don t you think culture itself has played a predominant role in this-
By suppressing the need to explore the truth of pre and post teen dillema?
We hide the truths when our children come to us with a keen interest. We brush off their noble intention to understood "truths" of life and love. We claim that
knowledge itself is a form of self-blasphemy. Yet,we bring in culture to explain The Truth itself. Aren t we being afraid! Has the soul became a slave to
that monstreous ego or are we just blind goats who needs guidance from The Holy Shephard?
I need answers and i won't stop until i find
{explore} the truth. Its just like a spiritual way of putting things and its similar of a
query that one should ask every day of his life-
Why am i brought into the sins of humans
Jay sean
This is one guy i respect alot. Lets put aside his musical passion and the zest of his tunes which would make any desi gurl to melt.
What never fails to amuse me about Mr.Kamaljit Jhooti is that on the year 2003, he gave up
medicine at St Bartholomews & The Royal London School of Medicine and Dentistry to
feed his passion for music.This is a marvellous feat i would say.Jay Sean is academically superior. He scored
10 bloody As in GCSE ( O levels) and
4 As in his GCE A levels as well. Holy crap !!!! And look what he's doing now?
Man, i salute you to the maximum.
The Moral of the story is that one should always follow his true calling. Don t be lead by someone-but stay true to yourself and work towards your dream, just Like
Mr.Jay Sean.He's probably the most academically talented recording artist in the world!(Weezer's Rivers Cuomo is a Harvard student,though) but Jay sean,holy me!!
Endless Answers
I was suddenly jolted with a very recent discussion with a mate. We were arguing about the coexistence of faith and knowledge.
He went on to argue that faith and knowledge
could not co-exist as a solidatary unit, which practically means only one could exist at one frame.
He even stated that these separates mankind into 2 subgroups
i )
The people who seek faith.
The people who seek knowledge.
Now, please note that my understanding on faith is
very limited. For example,from my keen observation among Indians who pray in temples, they tend to offer offerings in order for God to fulfill- A simple way of putting it-
God is like Santa Claus to them.Please note that i m a staunch Hindu who does all those stuff. I pray everyday-But my query here is that at times, i also become extremely hungry for knowledge. If this the case, the discussion that i've had becomes utterly void. But he defends his arguments by bringing in atheism.
Now, this seriously sparkled my interest -The fact that many scientist are atheist as well. Has knowledge made mankind forget that there's someone superior to them? Well,folks, please also beware that this is NOT so predominant in our country.
However i found this interesting statement
Faith is belief that one has
knowledge of [any particular] God
Doesn t that mean
that both MAY co-exist?
An Analysis
To be at the utmost situation, i was extremely pleased with Ninth Malaysian Plan. There are several reasons to support this very pertaining statement. But, most important of all was due to honest speech by our Prime Minister to increase the current
1.5 % equality held by Indians to
3 % by 2010. Anyone who watched the telecast would realize that he actually said 30 %. For a moment, i was flabbergasted because thats huge! Eventually he realized his fault as those backbenchers gave him a very loud symbol of distress.
The Ninth Malaysian Plan will reemphasise efforts to adress socioeconomic disparities (which i personally believe is a good way to promote racial integration-as far as effort in this scope is taken). I would like to share some statistics about current position of doctors in Malaysia.
Registered Professionals by Ethnic Group 2000& 2005(
Source : The Star,1 April 2005, pg 4)Registered Doctors (Year 2000)
Bumiputera - 4570
Chinese- 3855
Indians - 3697
Others- 306
Grand Total-12 428
Registered Doctors(Year 2005)
Others- 1055
Grand Total- 15 574
I do really hope that this is a positive sign though as i've seen numerous parties trying very hard to exploit this very current situation with the introduction of unrecognized universities,heading the preference list. I sincerelly hope that by the time i graduate as a dcotor i would have a job.
Plus, budding doctors would also have to note one point here. By 2015, our biggest rival would be pharmacist, as the Malaysian pharmaceutical market is worth RM 900 million and it is seeing a growth at 10 % annually (HT Ong,2005). And so,this does not only challenge the intellect of the doctor,but also the moral and integrity.
Yours truly,