Saturday, April 08, 2006

Endless Answers

I was suddenly jolted with a very recent discussion with a mate. We were arguing about the coexistence of faith and knowledge.

He went on to argue that faith and knowledge could not co-exist as a solidatary unit, which practically means only one could exist at one frame.

He even stated that these separates mankind into 2 subgroups

i ) The people who seek faith.

ii) The people who seek knowledge.

Now, please note that my understanding on faith is very limited. For example,from my keen observation among Indians who pray in temples, they tend to offer offerings in order for God to fulfill- A simple way of putting it- God is like Santa Claus to them.Please note that i m a staunch Hindu who does all those stuff. I pray everyday-But my query here is that at times, i also become extremely hungry for knowledge. If this the case, the discussion that i've had becomes utterly void. But he defends his arguments by bringing in atheism.

Now, this seriously sparkled my interest -The fact that many scientist are atheist as well. Has knowledge made mankind forget that there's someone superior to them? Well,folks, please also beware that this is NOT so predominant in our country.

However i found this interesting statement

Faith is belief that one has knowledge of [any particular] God

Doesn t that mean that both MAY co-exist?


At 2:12 am, Blogger !jenna! said...

Damnit boy! This is the one topic that's been bugging me recently, to the point that my parents are beginning to worry about my sudden queries about faith and religion. Haha.

Anyway, you didnt really develop your question properly. or maybe what I want to know has nothing to do with your ideas. But.

What is religion, isn't it just blind faith, belief in something not physically contained, or able to be proven scientifically?

At 4:49 am, Blogger Naveen said...

Religion is measure of human evolution i would say. People tend to separate themselves and create these racial boundaries by using religious differences in it. :)

I m not an atheist but sometimes i wonder whether i could fall into becoming a nihillist which scares me alot

Once i become a nihillist-Religion wouldn t have the slighest impact in my life coz nihillist don t believe in anything-practically


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